
Anger Management

Anger Management

Understanding Anger

Anger is a completely normal, usually healthy, human emotion. But when it gets out of control and turns destructive, it can lead to problems—problems at work, in your personal relationships, and in the overall quality of your life. It can make you feel as though you're at the mercy of an unpredictable and powerful emotion

Anger also sometimes serves as a mask for other emotions that individuals may be less comfortable with. Some people experience anger when they are fearful, sad, or lonely, and manifesting these emotions in the form of anger instead may work as a protective mechanism to avoid feelings that may be more uncomfortable than anger. However, anger can hide the actual issue that an individual may need to work through, particularly in individuals who have difficulty expressing emotion, who have been taught to refrain from emotional outbursts, or who believe that the expression of a particular emotion, such as fear or sadness, is unacceptable.

Some people feel that letting their anger out by screaming or yelling at someone else helps them feel better. But angry outbursts can become a habit, and they often tend to cause more anger, not less. Moreover, the way other people react to anger can fuel an individual's stress and may lead to increased anger.

When Anger Becomes a Problem

A powerful emotion that can influence people's thought patterns and behavior choices, anger can contribute to aggression and violence, intentional or unintentional acts of self-harm, and social or legal problems. Anger can also be a sign of psychological conditions such as major depression or bipolar. Drugs and alcohol may help mask anger temporarily, but they may also have the effect of worsening one's anger, as drugs and alcohol can reduce self-control and tend to increase impulsivity.

If an individual has an anger problem, he or she may be aware of it but not know what to do. That individual may also not be aware of his or her anger; the nature of anger may lead those experiencing extreme anger to deny they have any responsibility for the problems to which they contribute.

Potential signs of anger issues include:

    • Persistent feelings of frustration toward oneself or others.
    • An inability to enjoy life or the company of others.
    • A hot temper or a tendency to yell or argue with others.
    • Physical signs such as headaches, rapid breathing, or a pounding heart.

Anger control can be difficult for people at times. Emotional outbursts, physical aggression, and violence are just some of the results of anger problems: Individuals who experience chronic anger tend to be more susceptible to health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, insomnia, high blood pressure, and depression. Psychotherapy may be of help to people who wish to work on controlling their anger.

Anger can impact your relationships and important parts of your life.  Here at The Personal Growth Center, we can help you by giving you the tools and skills to mange anger. 

Call Personal Growth Center today to schedule your appointment for Anger Management therapy today!